Saturday, September 10, 2011

Something Simple

Every once in a while it's nice to make something that doesn't take me days to create.  It kind of changes things up a bit.  So I broke out some of my shells and pearls and did some stringing with them.

This is what I came up with.  The name of it is the Coral Shell & Pearl Bracelet.  I also made some matching earrings.  The whole set will be off to Studio 12 Urban Day Spa in Modesto!

This is also to show everyone how I'm packaging my jewelry right now.  Since each piece I make is different, I make a custom card for each piece.  Bigger things like necklaces will come in boxes.  What do you think?  Any more packaging ideas out there?


  1. I totally agree , it is nice to set aside a piece that takes many hours to complete for a change :)

  2. I know exactly how you feel! Nice to see someone else has the same moments! :)

  3. Very pretty! I also like to mix it up sometimes, especially if I just finished a really long project.


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